Dig where you stand – Methods and Perspectives on Investigating the Local
Malmö Art Museum and Ystad Art Museum
April 28-29, 2022
Malmö Art Museum and Ystad Art Museum invite to the conference Dig where you stand. The two-day conference focuses on artistic, curatorial and theoretical methods and perspectives that engage with or respond to the notion of ‘the local’, understood as a specific place or context, embedded with layers of social, cultural and historical narratives. The conference includes national and international keynotes, presentations and panel discussions, performances and readings, thereby providing an opportunity for participants to collectively discuss the questions that develop.
Day 1 – April 28
Malmö Art Museum, Skovgaardssalen, third floor
12.00 Guided tour to the exhibition Home
12.45-13.15 Registration and coffee
13.15-13.30 Welcome: Kirse Junge-Stevnsborg, director Malmö Art Museum, Anna Johansson, curator Malmö Art Museum & Julia Björnberg, curator Ystad Art Museum, founders of Den platta jorden and organizers of the conference, Joanna Sandell Wright, moderator.
13.30-14.10 Keynote: Viviana Checchia, Curatorial Diving: Swimming with Simone
+ Q&A
Session 1: Approaches to the local – Artistic and curatorial methods
Through artistic and curatorial experiences from Åstorp and Bromölla in Sweden, and the noren territories of Russia, these presentations will discuss different research approaches in relation to local stories and the possibilities to open up for new understandings of a place.
14.15-14.35 Frida Peterson & Ingela Ihrman, What does Åstorp’s breath smell like?
14.35-14.55 Ekaterina Sharova, Arctic Microhistories of Art
15.00-15.30 S L A M/Moa Lönn and Karin Auran Frankenstein, Shared Kneads while Clay speaks
15.35-16.05 Q&A with Viviana Checchia, Frida Peterson and Ingela Ihrman, Ekaterina Sharova and Moa Lönn and Karin Auran Frankenstein, moderated by Joanna Sandell Wright.
16.05-16.30 Coffee break
Session 2: Polyphonic voices
Navigating from a starting point in what might be described as: the concealed, hidden, overlooked or forgotten, this interdisciplinary session will present artistic and curatorial practices that unravel and reveal memories. Focusing on relationships and how we as individuals and collectives choose to narrate and circulate our past while employing notions of “the local” as a point of departure in the creation of various webs of kinship.
16.30-16.50 SAQMI – The Swedish Archive for Queer Moving Images/Anna Linder and Dagmar Brunow, Curating queer memory work: site-specific and online exhibitions
16.50-17.10 Margarida Nzuzi Waco, Pages Left Blank – Between Memory and War
17.15-17.45 Hanna Wildow, And–akter. somewhere between grey and green
17.50-18.20 Q&A with Anna Linder and Dagmar Brunow, Margarida Nzuzi Waco and Hanna Wildow, moderated by Joanna Sandell Wright.
18.20-18.30 Closing remark
18.45 Dinner at Kommendantshuset
Day 2 – April 29
Ystad Art Museum, auditorium, 2nd floor
08.07 Train from Malmö Central Station to Ystad, 08.10 from Triangeln
09.00-09.15 Coffee
09.15 Welcome: Ýrr Jónasdóttir, director Ystad Art Museum, Anna Johansson, curator Malmö Art Museum & Julia Björnberg, curator Ystad Art Museum, founders of Den platta jorden and organizers of the conference, Joanna Sandell Wright, moderator
09.25-10.15 Keynote: Lisa Rosendahl, Situated Curatorial Practice: A Practical Example and its Wider Implications + Q&A
Session 3: The third image
In this session, artistic methods suggesting ways to approach the ‘third image’, or a systemic state will be presented and discussed. The presentations focus on visualization and materialization of local histories alongside speculative modes of imagining and enacting an imagined future.
10.25-10.55 Paola Torres Núñez del Prado, The Singing Textiles: Rips and Interweavings of the Local and the Global
11.00-11.20 Kalle Brolin, I am Skåne – coal and sugar in the inner and outer landscape
11.20-11.40 Kaisa Karvinen, LARP and the latent repertoire of urban spatial production
11.45-12.15 Q&A with Lisa Rosendahl, Paola Torres Núñez del Prado, Kalle Brolin and Kaisa Karvinen, moderated by Joanna Sandell Wright
12.15-12.35 Petra Mölstad, Landskapskynnen (reading in Swedish)
12.35-12.45 Closing remarks
12.45 Lunch in the studio, 1st floor.
The conference is realized as part of Den platta jorden- network for artistic research of Scania that is organized by Malmö Art Museum, Ystad Art Museum, Röstånga konsthall, Åstorp konsthall and Tjörnedala konsthall. During 2020-2021, the residency program “In search of Scanie” was conducted, whereby artists were invited to do artistic research in the region.
The conference is funded by Region Skåne and Swedish Arts Council.
For more information see: @denplattajorden on Instagram